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TRX Evo is my IGN on my video games and also my social medias. My real name is Dannielle and because it is a long name, my nickname is Dave.



Hello guys! Welcome to my website, my name is Dave also know as TRX Evo as my IGN. I decided to make this website just for fun on also I want to learn on using or creating a website using WIX I'm a BS Computer Engineering ang currently on my second year college level as of May 20, 2022, and I don't know if we are going to tackle on making or creating the website through HTML or JavaScript? LOL, I don't know what language is needed to create a website but I know how to use C, C++ or C#, Visual Basic and Java language as of now, I hope that someday I can create my own website using the knowledge that I know.

By the way, I love to play games like FPS games, or simulator games. I also love to watch Korean dramas because it has a long story and will eat my time on watching and not on overthinking, I'm not a fan of movies because it is too short for me. If you want to know more about me, visit my "About" page on my website, Thank you!


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